New search engine? Not really ...
When I hear about a new search engine I like to go and check it out to see how good it is. Today there is a new one, CNN had an article called: Ex-Googlers launch rival search engine (oh goody, a new toy to play with). Apparently Anna Patterson knows what she is doing as the last time she created such technology Google bought it. Her company is called CUIL and, using her search engine, I did my usual search for Linux Home Automation oddly enough the first few times the engine failed to find anything. Later it started finding some information but the really odd part: the pictures associated with the sites are not related to the site (???). In fact they look like they're paid ads (a lot of them X10). I found a lot of X10 ad pictures next to my sites (and I'm pretty vocal about X10 being crap, etc.). Hmm, I'm not very happy about this. So anyway, I decided to take it to the next level and do this search: linux home automation or domotics or control, nothing, nada, zilch. Seems it can't handle complex search strings.
My verdict: not very good (D). It looks pretty but the information is not high quality. Instead it seems to find a lot of sites which are copy cat sites (my blog entries showed up under other sites but my blog didn't show up) or only briefly mention Linux. I really feel the pictures associated with the site are dishonest and many are ads. I guess this is their intention, a new way to display ads associated with searches. This search engine seems to be more about ads than search results. For the user the quality of the results, not the ads, are the point of the search. Even Microsoft eventually got that point and removed the first two pages of ads so users could get to the search results material. I don't see this search engine as ever being something I'd use or recommend (not that my opinion matters ;-).
For those wondering why I like using my search string "linux home automation"? Because I use it often enough that I know the trash from the treasures. In fact the search string I really use the most often is "linux home automation or domotics or domotica or control". I've removed all sites in China because 90% of them are junk sites. The Scribd seemed like 'just another search engine in the results of a search engine' and Experts Exchange requires that sign up to get any of it's information (screw that!). The rest of the string gives me a pretty good view of the world and HA.