Sunday, February 05, 2006

Do you check email while in the bathroom?

File this under misc. ramblings: The Type-A Bathroom by Jon Weinbach and Peggy Edersheim Kalb (Wall Street Journal Staff Reporters). Seems that there is no rest from work for some. A few high end (big buck$) smart homes have a lot of digital access in the bathroom too! TV's, computers, hey bring the Blackberry with you, that kind of thing. So how do you explain the rude noises while on your cell phone? :-P

Now I have to plead guilty to bringing the Nokia N770 Internet Tablet into the bathroom (when I can get it away from my wife) but it was an electronic substitute for 'bathroom reading' material (I can google for anything :-). While I could read my email and chat on IM I prefer not to. I've thought about it, even thought about bringing in the cordless phone. But the bathrooms acoustics tend to cause an odd kind of echo and someone is bound to ask where I am (oh, and I'm a lousy liar).

With today's businesses being very go-go-go, it may become necessary to have access to information 7x24 and at your finger tips. But somehow we need to perform a balancing act such that our personal lives have a chance. It's very tough to do and I'm not sure I've figured out a good way to handle it.

On another note, I'm still working on the book. I'm up to the Mr. House section. I'm really flying through that part. Tonight I will have complete 2 chapters for this week and I expect to have another 2 chapters by the end of next week. I'm still behind schedule and that will leave me with 1 more Mr. House chapter and 3 wireless chapters. The wireless chapters have been the greatest pain because of kernel considerations (I need to recompile the kernel). 2 of the wireless chapters are half written. Yes I feel like I'm not moving fast enough.


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