HA presentation to LUGIP
I did my home automation presentation to LUGIP (Linux Users Group in Princeton) last night (the presentation is here). This presentation differed a bit from the previous presentation as it was more based on Linux than a general HA presentation. In my opinion it went well. It went much smoother than the previous version. There was still that one gentleman sleeping in the same chair as the previous presentation. The beginning of the presentation used the same material but I didn't delve into all the technical details of the protocols (but I forgot to mention the speed). I also got into presenting a little of Misterhouse and presented my coffee pot and alarm clock. That part needs a little more work but it went over well. I'll touch up the presentation and add a few more notes (they're missing). This should be the same presentation I give to the LILAX folks in April (the 19th). In the mean time I'll be working on the Trenton Computer Festival (TCF) presentation. That one will be more difficult to do as it needs to have Misterhouse working on my laptop and integrated with the doll house that we are building. I hope to have the external items such as the Insteon Lamp modules, appliance modules and wall switches working and integrated into the mix.
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