Friday, August 29, 2008

Comcast 250GB cap

Well there's a big stink about Comcast's bandwidth cap. I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm pretty sure that I don't have to worry about over running the 250 GB cap. I think I normally I run around 30GB/month. It is my opinion that I'm a bandwidth-lite type of user. My usage is web page updates, email and general web usage. My understanding is that other cable providers have caps less than 50GB/month. Right now 250GB seems generous but new uses occur all the time. I don't know what would happen if I were playing games or downloading (legal) movies. Right now I've written a nice Perl script to gather the statistics for my bandwidth usage (adding both Rx and Tx bytes for a month). Comcast doesn't have a tool to measure bandwidth usage available yet but then again this doesn't take into effect until October 1st. By then I hope to see their tool and I hope to have tested my script for at least a month. Then we'll see how the numbers fall out. I'm going to try to setup some proper bandwidth monitoring but for now I'll settle for general monthly usage.


At 9/03/2008 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can bet that your numbers will always be lower than Comcast's numbers. It will end up being just like the cell phone bills. They will send you bill after bill with confusing little inaccuracies and mysterious overcharges, and you will end up paying twice what you calculated. Wi-Fi mesh networks, here I come.


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