Sunday, September 08, 2013

The constants of change

The last few years have been a wild whirlwind of dramatic change for myself and my family. Hurricane Irene, Super-storm Sandy (it wasn't a hurricane when it struck land), loss of loved ones, health emergencies and the many changes in my employment. We haven't had a chance to catch our breath for even a moment. The latest change is that my job has been outsourced. September 8th is my last day as an AT&T employee, from which I've retired (boy does that make me suddenly feel old). Luckily I've been picked up by Tech Mahindra (TM) so I'm still working (thank you TM).

Of course with challenges come opportunities. As an AT&T employee I really had to be careful with my HA activities. Now, I believe I'll be a bit freer to pursue my interests again. The last few years have brought about great change. Mobility, small low powered embedded processors, multi-core processing, cloud computing, asynchronous/event programming, agile processes such as continuous implementation and continuous delivery promise some rather interesting things with respect to what can be delivered to the end user. I'm now reading up on these and other technologies (my ebooks are filling my nook up). I'm finding myself being excited by the possibilities and fearful of the dangers. We need to think differently, as the above technologies demonstrate. Welcome to the great Internet of things. So while I proceed with much trepidation I lunge forward all the same. Standing still is to fall back.

And to keep this in the spirit of the blog (a HA blog), I'm working on the continuous delivery concept with the Irrigation controller software I'm working on. I'm reading up on unit testing with node.js (I know, step one), I'm also about to open up Github and Bitbucket accounts and I'm researching the build and delivery systems. So I'm eating my own dog food and drinking the kool-aid, yum. ;-)


At 9/10/2013 7:11 PM, Blogger Rodrigo Damazio Bovendorp said...

Do you have a resumé that you'd like to share, or do you already have a new job?

At 9/10/2013 8:53 PM, Blogger Neil Cherry said...

Rodrigo, thanks for the concern, very heart warming :-D .

I was fortunate enough to get picked up immediately with Tech Mahindra where I am a Tech. Specialist.

One day I should probably post a little of my background (like a resume but without specifics). I often get job offers for little jobs (sometimes for big ones which I must pass on).

I must say that I'm counting my blessings. :-)


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